Prototyping a PDA based Communication Appliance
Key: AGKS01-1
Author: Ralf Ackermann, Manuel Goertz, Martin Karsten, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: October 2001
Kind: In proceedings
Book title: Proceedings of Softcom 2001, Split, Croatia
Abstract: PDAs have become an accessory that a large community uses for managing their personal data. With the development of new devices with additional network and audio capabilities they gain the potential to be used in more comprehensive communication scenarios too. On the example of usage for IP telephony we show, how new applications must not be viewed in an isolated way and need innovative approaches for both system hard- and software enhancement as well as for the integration with heterogeneous infrastructure components. The challenging task for creating so called communication appliances is not just to transfer existing desktop mechanisms to smaller and mobile computers but to consider their specifics and establish additional architectures and mechanisms that meet those best. Our paper describes the prototyping of a (wearable, voice-) communication device based on an off-the-shelf iPAQ PDA, design and usage experiences and potential future enhancements.
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