A Policy-Based Service Specification for Resource Reservation in Advance
Key: KBWS99-1
Author: Martin Karsten, Nicole Berier, Lars Wolf, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: September 1999
Kind: In proceedings
Book title: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Communications (ICCC'99), Tokyo, Japan
Abstract: Resource reservation in advance can be a useful extension for a reservation-based communication service, if certain users are willing to pay additional charges to overcome the blocking probability of a communication network. Existing proposals for advance reservations restrict service flexibility by technically enforcing a certain subset of service invocations and conceptual separation of immediate and advance requests. In this paper, we present the specification of a single general network service providing both immediate and advance reservations. We introduce a policy and pricing layer to calculate compensations for certain service characteristics. Correct operation of this service is shown and further extensions are discussed. Employing such a communication service and the respective policy layer, users are free to choose the characteristics of their service requests as long as the system is able to deliver all given guarantees. However, the system is controlled by a policy layer, specifically, users are subject to charges, which vary according to their service parameters.

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