Generalizing RSVP's Traffic and Policy Control Interface
Key: KSS00-1
Author: Martin Karsten, Jens Schmitt, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: July 2000
Kind: In proceedings
Publisher: IEEE, USA
Book title: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS'00), Iwate, Japan
Abstract: In this paper, we describe our current efforts to evaluate and extend the traffic control interface of RSVP and to define a useful policy control interface. The particular goal is to advance integration of non-broadcast multiple-access (NBMA) subnets, such as native ATM, and furthermore, to allow for meaningful inter-operation between traffic control and policy control. Our experience stems from implementing RSVP in combination with a policy interface to charging modules. Furthermore, we have developed a VC management module for ATM, which enables flexible inter-operation of RSVP with ATM subnets. We describe the current status of this work with respect to multicast, atomicity of operations and resulting challenges.

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