Design and Implementation of RSVP based on Object-Relationships
Key: Kar00-2
Author: Martin Karsten
Date: March 2000
Kind: @techreport
Abstract: RSVP has been proposed by the IETF as a signalling protocol for reservation-based quality-of-service enabled communication in IP networks. While RSVP's concepts are very sophisticated, further research efforts and potential modifications might be necessary to accomplish additional requirements before general deployment and commercial usage. Currently, only one freely available implementation exists and even some of the commercial implementations are based on it. In this paper, an alternative approach to describe RSVP protocol operations is presented, employing relational specification of state blocks and object-relationships between them. The result appears to be more concise and comprehensible than existing processing rules, yet not giving up efficiency. An implementation design based on this methodology, as well as specific details and optimizations are derived and explained. The implementation is designed to be portable across different operating system platforms and even to simulation environments. The primary purpose is to carry out research on modifications of RSVP, being able to examine those by simulation, emulation and real tests. Applying these considerations, an experimental protocol engine has been implemented, which is publicly available.

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