A Graphical Evaluation Tool for Semantic Web Service Matchmaking
Key: LSSS10-1
Author: Ulrich Lampe, Melanie Siebenhaar, Stefan Schulte, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: November 2010
Kind: In proceedings
Book title: Poster and Demo Proceedings of 9th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2010)
Keywords: services, matchmaking, discovery, visualization
Abstract: Semantic matchmaking - i.e., the task of finding matching (Web) services based on semantic information - has been a prominent field of research lately, and a wide range of supporting tools both for research and practice have been published. However, no suitable solution for the visualization of matchmaking results exists so far. In this paper, we present the Matchmaking Visualizer, an application for the visual representation and analysis of semantic matchmaking results. It allows for the comparing of matchmaking approaches for semantic Web services in a fine-grained manner and thus complements existing evaluation suites that are based on rather coarse-grained information retrieval metrics.
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