A Survey on AAA Mechanisms, Protocols, and Architectures and a Policy-based Approach beyond: Ax
Key: RHKS01-1
Author: Christoph Rensing, Hasan, Martin Karsten, Burkhard Stiller
Date: May 2001
Kind: @techreport
Abstract: AAA, the Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting approach for dial-up connectivity of mobile users and devices has reached a status of maturity, however, limited to a dedicated set of minor scenarios. While the commercialization of the Internet has lead to a large variety of business models based on Internet technology, the demand for standardized and efficient solutions in support of reliable, secure, open, and flexible remote service accesses has increased. In addition to the traditional AAA approach, emerging support services, such as policy support, charging, pricing, and auditing for Internet services, are required essentially to offer as a service provider a viable set of distributed data communication and content services.
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