StreetConqAR: Augmented Reality Anchoring in Pervasive Games
Key: TDH+20-1
Author: Thomas Tregel, Tim Dutz, Patrick Hock, Philipp Niklas Müller, Philipp Achenbach, Stefan Göbel
Date: October 2020
Kind: In proceedings
Publisher: Springer
Book title: Serious Games. JCSG 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Keywords: Pervasive games, Augmented reality, Mobile gaming
Abstract: Pervasive games have increased in popularity with the rise of location-based games, but their content quality varies based on the area it is played in. We present a system of anchoring street signs into an approach based on augmented reality, allowing a game being played in all rural and urban areas without the need for custom content creation. By using publicly available map data, we allow for gameplay across city and country borders. Our approach identifies and augments street signs on a player’s camera feed. It then automatically creates an AR challenge, based on the classical game Mastermind, for the player to capture the virtual street. The virtual streets are integrated into one game world where players can conquer and take virtual ownership of whole blocks, districts, or cities. We achieve correct augmentation rates of 84.7% with initial delays of one second and continuous fluent augmentation.
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