A Multi-Threshold Approach for Efficient and User-centric Event Transmission in Logistics Wireless Sensor Networks
Key: ZKR+11-1
Author: Sebastian Zöller, Andreas Kaiser, Andreas Reinhardt, Stefan Schulte, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: October 2011
Kind: In proceedings
Publisher: IEEE Press
Book title: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applications (ICPCA)
Keywords: wireless sensor networks, logistics, efficiency, real-time monitoring
Abstract: Wireless sensor networks provide a promising means to enable real-time monitoring of transport processes in logistics. In a corresponding logistics wireless sensor network, energy-efficient operation is mandatory. Cost efficiency and customer satisfaction are additional requirements to be explicitly considered, particularly in the application domain of logistics. As data transmission constitutes the most expensive operation in terms of energy consumption and monetary costs, we propose in this paper a concept for local data filtering to reduce the number of data transmissions. Our concept utilizes multiple thresholds and explicitly incorporates customers’ information demands to decide whether a data transmission shall take place or not. Thus, a local filtering is realized, which provides for energy- and cost-efficient operation of a logistics wireless sensor network and explicitly takes into account the customer’s view while still offering the benefits of data fidelity and real-time event notification of a logistics wireless sensor network.
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