SG4Mobility: Educational Game for Environment-Friendly Mobility Behaviour
Key: GGM+19-1
Author: Stefan Göbel, Alvar Gamez-Zerban, Philipp Müller, Thomas Tregel, Andreas Gilbert, Jason Christian, David Schmoldt
Date: October 2019
Kind: In proceedings
Publisher: academic conferences
Book title: Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Games based Learning
Keywords: SG4Mobility, educational game, gamification, mobility, modality detection, sliced serious game
Abstract: SG4mobility is a science meets business research project funded by a regional agency for logistics and mobility in the state of Hesse, Germany. The project tackles the area of environment-friendly mobility behaviour. For that, an educational game is conceptualised using gamification mechanisms and the concept of sliced serious games with a game world and mini-games. The game world is the real physical space, mini-games are provided in form of location-based quizzes and physical exercises. Gamification elements (points, leaderboards) and scoring mechanisms are used to award environment-friendly mobility options (walking, bicycling, using public transport instead of private cars) and to encourage users to explore the urban environment (points of interest in the neighbourhood on their routes) via location-based games (quizzes, physical exercises). On the educational side, users learn about their individual mobility behaviour and get aware about the effects of using different mobility and transport modalities in terms of energy (CO2 emission). This paper introduces the SG4Mobility approach, describes related work and presents the SG4Mobility app and its underlying concepts. Finally, the evaluation process for testing the app and results from first user studies are presented, the main results are summarised in a conclusion and next steps for further research and development investigations are outlined.
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