Incentivise me: Smartphone-based mobility detection for pervasive Games
Key: TLG19-1
Author: Thomas Tregel, Felix Leber, Stefan Göbel
Date: October 2019
Kind: In proceedings
Publisher: Springer
Book title: Entertainment Computing and Serious Games. ICEC-JCSG 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Keywords: Mobility, Mobility detection, Pervasive games, Context detection
Abstract: The ubiquity of smartphones with a plethora of sensors made it possible to develop context-based pervasive games playable by most people without any additional equipment required. However, popular games like Pokémon GO or Zombie, Run! show the minimal influence context has on the gameplay besides the user’s position. Furthermore, in the context of movement and mobility the distinction between different modes of transport becomes necessary both for security and for environmental reasons. In this paper we present a system that uses location information combined with public transport data to detect different types of mobility, especially vehicular mobility and uses this information for adaptation purposes in a prototypical location-based game. Our evaluation shows that our system can be used to reliably differentiate between public transport and driving a car within minutes and is able to adapt content in pervasive games according to the context surrounding the current user.
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