Adaptive Matchmaking for RESTful Services based on hRESTS and MicroWSMO
Key: LSS+10-1
Author: Ulrich Lampe, Stefan Schulte, Melanie Siebenhaar, Dieter Schuller, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: December 2010
Kind: In proceedings
Publisher: The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Book title: Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Enhanced Web Service Technologies (WEWST 2010)
Keywords: service, matchmaking, rest, restful
Abstract: Matchmaking - i.e., the task of finding functionally suitable service offers based on a service request - has only been addressed in the context of WS-* Web services. However, RESTful services are gaining increasing attraction and have been adopted by major companies, thus increasing the need for suitable matchmaking solutions. This paper introduces XAM4SWS, an adaptive matchmaker for semantic Web services that supports multiple service description formats, including hRESTS and MicroWSMO for RESTful services. XAM4SWS adapts existing methodologies from WS-* matchmaking and extends them through the inclusion of REST-specific service features. A prototypical implementation of the matchmaker is evaluated with respect to multiple information retrieval metrics using an adapted semantic Web service test collection.
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