Quality of Experience of Voice Communication in Large-Scale Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Key: GKH+09-1
Author: Christian Gottron, André König, Matthias Hollick, Sonja Bergsträßer, Tomas Hildebrandt, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: December 2009
Kind: In proceedings
Publisher: IEEE Computer Society
Book title: Proceedings of the second IFIP Wireless Days 2009
Abstract: Real-time voice communication is an essential requirement in first responder scenarios. While mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) already prove to be an appropriate communication substrate in small-scale real-world operations, questions regarding scalability limitations remain. In this paper, we identify major factors that affect the quality of experience of voice communication in MANETs. In a series of simulation studies, we show that voice transmission using MANETs is also feasible in large-scale scenarios, if appropriate settings are chosen.
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