Load Balancing for Multimedia Streaming in Heterogeneous Peer-to-Peer Systems
Key: GKP+08-1
Author: Kalman Graffi, Sebastian Kaune, Konstantin Pussep, Aleksandra Kovacevic, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: May 2008
Kind: In proceedings
Publisher: ACM SIGMM
Book title: 18th International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV '08)
Abstract: Multimedia streaming of mostly user generated content is an ongoing trend, not only since the upcoming of Last.fm and YouTube. A distributed decentralized multimedia stream- ing architecture can spread the (traffic) costs to the user nodes, but requires to provide for load balancing and con- sider the heterogeneity of the participating nodes. We pro- pose a DHT-based information gathering and analyzing ar- chitecture which controls the streaming request assignment in the system and thoroughly evaluate it in comparison to a distributed stateless strategy. We evaluated the impact of the key parameters in the allocation function which con- siders the capabilities of the nodes and their contribution to the system. Identifying the quality-bandwidth tradeoffs of the information gathering system, we show that with our proposed system a 53% better load balancing can be reached and the efficiency of the system is significantly improved.
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