Overlay Bandwidth Management: Scheduling and Active Queue Management of Overlay Flows
Key: GPK+07-1
Author: Kalman Graffi, Konstantin Pussep, Sebastian Kaune, Aleksandra Kovacevic, Nicolas Liebau, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: October 2007
Kind: In proceedings
Book title: IEEE Local Computer Networks '07
Keywords: P2P, overlay, bandwidth, scheduling, AQM, QoS
Abstract: Peer-to-peer and mobile networks gained significant attention of both research community and industry. Applying the peer-to-peer paradigm in mobile networks lead to several problems regarding the bandwidth demand of peer-to-peer networks. Time-critical messages are delayed and delivered unacceptably slow. In addition to this, scarce bandwidth is wasted on messages of less priority. Therefore, the focus of this paper is on bandwidth management issues at the overlay layer and how they can be solved. We present HiPNOS.KOM, a priority based scheduling and active queue management system. It guarantees better QoS for higher prioritized messages in upper network layers of peerto- peer systems. Evaluation using the peer-to-peer simulator PeerfactSim.KOM shows that HiPNOS.KOM brings significant improvement in Kademlia in comparison to FIFO and Drop-Tail, strategies that are used nowadays on each peer. User initiated lookups have in Kademlia 24% smaller operation duration when using HiPNOS.KOM
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