Towards a P2P Cloud: Reliable Resource Reservations in Unreliable P2P Systems
Key: GSG+10-1
Author: Kalman Graffi, Dominik Stingl, Christian Groß, Hoang Nguyen, Aleksandra Kovacevic, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: December 2010
Kind: In proceedings
Publisher: IEEE Computer Society Press
Book title: Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems 2010
Abstract: The peer-to-peer paradigm shows the potential to provide the same functionality and quality like client/server based systems, but with much lower costs. However, the resources, e.g. storage space, CPU power and online time, provided by the peers are unreliable due to churn. In order to enable churn resistant reliable services using the resources in p2p systems, we propose in this paper a distributed mechanism termed P3R3O.KOM. The mechanism allows to reserve, monitor and use resources provided by the unreliable p2p system and maintains long-term resource reservations through controlled redundant resource provision. Evaluation shows that using KAD measurements on the prediction of the lifetime of peers allows for 100% successful reservations under churn with very low traffic overhead. This approach marks a first step for the building of a reliable p2p-based SOA and future p2p-based clouds.
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