Capturing and Storing Profile Information for Gamers Playing Multiplayer Online Games
Key: HBRS09-1
Author: Tomas Hildebrandt, Sonja Bergsträßer, Christoph Rensing, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: November 2009
Kind: In proceedings
Book title: NetGames 2009, 8th Annual Workshop on Network and Systems Support for Games
Keywords: Networked Gaming, Online Games, Community, Gaming Profiles, Profile Information Capturing, Context
Abstract: This paper presents methods for capturing and storing gaming related context information into online gamer created profiles. Captured information may not be manipulated while being processed and stored within user created profiles and therefore is reliable. We propose a concept of client side capturing of profile information within the working environment of a gamer playing online games and a profile server storing generic community-extendable gaming profile data models that can be individualized. This addresses the creative power of gaming communities and faces the challenge to define machine processable data structures that can be updated with context information. A gamer created profile, enriched with detailed usage and reliable context information, improves the expressiveness and keeps it more up-to-date.
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