Modeling Modifications of Multimedia Learning Resources Using Ontology-Based Representations
Key: MBZ+07-1
Author: Marek Meyer, Sonja Bergsträßer, Birgit Zimmermann, Christoph Rensing, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: January 2007
Kind: In proceedings
Publisher: Springer
Book title: Advances in Multimedia Modeling
Abstract: Repurposing of multimedia-based Learning Resources is an important issue in E-Learning, as economic success of content production depends on how intensively content is used. Repurposing does not only mean reuse "as is", but also comprises modifications of the contents to suit a different learning or teaching context, as well as reuse of fragments of a large Learning Resource. This paper introduces a method for modeling multimedia content modifications based on an ontology-based content representation. A theoretical background for modeling modifications of multimedia contents independent of the particular format is provided. Also a practical implementation is presented and discussed.

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