On Energy-Awareness for Peer-assisted Streaming with Set-Top Boxes
Key: PKA+10-2
Author: Konstantin Pussep, Sebastian Kaune, Osama Abboud, Christian Huff, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: October 2010
Kind: In proceedings
Book title: 6th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2010)
Keywords: Distributed systems operations and management; Management of multimedia and data services; P2P networks; Performance management
Abstract: Energy consumption is responsible for a large fraction of costs in todays content distribution networks. In upcoming decentralized architectures based on set-top boxes (STB), acting as tiny servers, idle times can dominate distribution cost, since no cooling costs occurs and the Internet access is often paid in a flat-rate manner. The often assumed always-on property provides high availability but might also waste up to 93% of the baseline energy. In this paper we consider suitable standby policies that reduce en- ergy consumption but still allow to offload content servers significantly. We devise optimal and heuristic standby policies and evaluate them in a realistic scenario to show that a near-optimal behavior can be reached by utilizing the specific features of STBs.
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