Towards Automated Monitoring and Alignment of Service-based Workflows
Key: RES+08-1
Author: Nicolas Repp, Julian Eckert, Stefan Schulte, Michael Niemann, Rainer Berbner, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: February 2008
Kind: In proceedings
Book title: IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies 2008 (IEEE DEST 2008)
Abstract: Using Web services and Service-oriented Architectures to implement cross-organizational workflows has become state-of-the-art for the realization of collaborations between enterprises. Here, a key issue is the monitoring of workflows and services based on given business requirements and the handling of deviations from those requirements to fulfil Service Level Agreements. In this paper we present an approach to the automated monitoring and alignment of service-based workflows. We de-scribe a policy language for the specification of requirements and deviation handling as well as a distributed architecture supporting automated monitoring and alignment in service eco-systems.

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