Impact of Frame Rate and Resolution on Objective QoE Metrics
Key: ZHAH10-1
Author: Thomas Zinner, Oliver Hohfeld, Osama Abboud, Tobias Hossfeld
Date: June 2010
Kind: @article
Abstract: Video streaming applications are a major driver for the evolution of the future Internet. In this paper we introduce a framework for QoE management for video streaming systems based on the H.264/SVC codec, the scalable extension of H.264/AVC. A relevant feature is to control the user perceived quality of experience (QoE) by exploiting parameters offered by SVC. A proper design of a control mechanism requires the quantification of the main influence parameters on the QoE. For this purpose, we conducted a measurement study and quantified the influence of i) video resolution, ii) scaling method, iii) video frame rate and iv) video content types on the QoE by means of the SSIM and VQM full-reference metrics. Further, we discuss the trade-off between these different control knobs and their influence on the QoE.
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