Open Theses

In the face of natural disasters or crises, communication networks play a vital role in ensuring efficient disaster management and mitigation. However, the fragility of individual communication technologies and networks during such events often disrupts critical information flow, posing significant challenges for response teams and affected communities.

The emergenCity center addresses this critical need by investigating how individual communication networks can be made more resilient to form a cohesive and robust "disaster network." While advancements in individual network resilience are vital, the key challenge lies in enabling these independent networks to collaborate and function as a complex network of networks. Due to the potentially highly different capabilities and properties of different networks, their partial availability, and lack of a global information state, routing decisions cannot always be optimal or pre-calculated.

This thesis aims to address these challenges by combining theoretical analysis, modeling, and simulations to explore how various network types — e.g., IoT networks, satellite networks, or UAV-based networks — can be combined by using resilient routing decisions based on limited or error-prone information.

This thesis will:

  • Explore state-of-the-art research literature and the requirement space
  • Design and validate approaches for complex decision-making within packet routing in Disruption-Tolerant Networks
  • Implementation and simulative evaluation of approaches and comparison against baseline approaches, considering varying network configurations, communication links, topologies, and more
  • Explore the impact of routing decisions within the disaster network of networks, analyzing resilience, tradeoffs, and the influence of imperfect information

The outcomes of this thesis will provide valuable insights into designing a resilient communication framework capable of sustaining connectivity during crises, contributing to emergenCity’s goals of disaster resilience in complex crises.



  • Good programming skills in Python or other OOPLs
  • Knowledge of (wireless) communication networks, wireless routing protocols
  • Knowledge on Delay-/Disruption-Tolerant Networks (DTNs) is not required but will be learned
  • Basic knowledge in simulations and modeling, LaTeX, Git, data analysis is helpful but not required and will be learned

Thesis in Progress

This thesis aims to design and implement a tool that generates specific rules based on a system model and generalized rules to perform anomaly detection and consistency checking in a network.
Using automatic rule generation based on generalized rule patterns and a model instance simplifies the definition of rules for anomaly detection and consistency checking and allow optimizations for the distribution of rules across the network. 
In this thesis, you first conduct a literature review for related work and examine if approaches from other fields (e.g., graph-pattern matching, model-driven engineering...) can be applied to this problem.
Based on your findings, you either (i) design and implement a new tool to generate rules out of abstract patterns for a graph-based model instance and distribute them using topology information, or (ii) modify an existing mechanism for graph modeling and pattern matching.
You model and implement several concrete example scenarios to evaluate your approach and examine its benefits and limitations.

- Do a literature review of related work 
- Implement or modify an existing tool for rule generation based on generalized rule patterns and a graph-based model
- Implement example scenarios for your approach
- Evaluate your approach using your scenarios

Supervisor: Christoph Gärtner
KOM-ID: KOM-M-0785
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Supervisor: Chengbo Zhou Pegah Golchin
KOM-ID: KOM-M-0784 Student: Rizhang Chen
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In the realm of space communication, where delays and disruptions are inherent challenges, the efficacy of systems hinges on their ability to withstand such adversities. The adoption of Delay-/Distruption-Tolerant Networking (DTN) with the Bundle Protocol (v7) strives to facilitate communication and traffic flow in space despite intermittent disruptions. However, ensuring the resilience and efficiency of such systems requires more than just robust protocols; it demands access to realistic data and information for their design, implementation, and evaluation.

Researchers and developers working in this domain face a crucial problem: the scarcity of realistic data for simulations and testing. While real-world data exists, it often comes shrouded in non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), limiting its accessibility and adaptability. Furthermore, such data might lack the variability necessary to explore diverse and new scenarios, or adapt to different setups and hardware configurations.

The synthetic generation of information, data, and packets based on real-world counterparts helps to overcome such issues. By replicating the behavior of various sensor modules and their interactions by sophisticated models, researchers can generate synthetic data that closely mirrors real-world scenarios. But crucially, this modeling approach must embrace modularity and adaptivity. Different sensor modules can be modeled individually, allowing for their modular combination to simulate diverse setups and traffic patterns. Furthermore, module behavior should be adaptable, allowing testing new hardware configurations or exploring alternative communication protocols. At its best, this approach enables researchers to simulate and evaluate a plethora of scenarios with realistic communication patterns and minimal resource requirements.

Within the scope of this thesis you will

  • Delve into interesting topics like synthetic data generation and space communication using protocols such as PUS A/B/C, CFDP and other Space Packets
  • Model traffic patterns based on a real-world space communication data analysis
  • Implement a modular and adaptable generator tool for space communication patterns based on your analysis (preferrable in Rust or Python)
  • Test your model in a DTN simulator or an actual BP implementation and its applicability in combination with the Bundle Protocol v7
  • Scientifically evaluate your models and generators by an in-depth comparison to real-world data in the simulated environment
  • Provide an elaborate, scientific report (written in LaTeX)

Your profile:

  • Motivated, independent working style
  • Interest in, e.g., satellite communication, network protocols, simulations, ad-hoc and disruption-tolerant communication
  • Experience in programming, e.g., Python, Rust, or other OOPLs, is beneficial

This thesis is conducted in collaboration with associates of ESA/ESOC in Darmstadt. A separate NDA regarding usage of space communication data may be required.

Supervisor: Tobias Meuser
KOM-ID: KOM-M-0779 Student: Dean Grove
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Supervisor: Pratyush Agnihotri
KOM-ID: KOM-M-0778 Student: Jeffrey Resnik
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To deal with rapidly changing workloads,  Distributed Stream Processing Systems rely on parallelism to use multiple instances of operators to process a high amount of data. In recent times, several heuristic-based and learned-based approaches have been proposed to tune parallelism, but they are limited to specific workloads and can't work for unseen workloads which could result in degraded performance and inefficient resource utilization. In this thesis, we look at how can end-to-end learning model be  used for parallelism prediction in distributed systems.  The proposed model should aim to accurately predict optimal parallelism levels under a variety of scenarios, thus improving data processing efficiency and resource utilization in distributed systems. 

Supervisor: Pratyush Agnihotri
KOM-ID: KOM-M-0777 Student: Mizuki Hashimoto
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Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have shown potential in various domains, including databases and distributed stream processing systems. However, the effectiveness and accuracy of GNN models, particularly in zero-shot learning scenarios, heavily depend on selecting appropriate features. This thesis aims to develop and evaluate feature selection strategies and an optimized method to select from feature selection strategies based on constraints that enhance the performance of zero-shot-based GNN models in the context of parallel stream processing.

Key Objectives

  • Identify and analyze the key features that impact the performance of GNN models in parallel stream processing tasks.
  • Develop a systematic feature selection strategy that optimizes the zero-shot learning capabilities of GNN models in distributed stream processing environments.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed feature selection strategy in improving the accuracy, efficiency, and scalability of zero-shot GNN models.
Supervisor: Pegah Golchin
KOM-ID: KOM-M-0775 Student: Hengyu Liu
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Supervisor: Ahmad Khalil
KOM-ID: KOM-M-0774 Student: Hani Aldebes
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In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in adopting federated learning to train deep learning models. 
This heightened interest is primarily driven by the agility, data privacy, scalability, and efficiency that federated learning has demonstrated.
Federated learning (FL) has gained significant traction, particularly in developing and updating object detection models.
These models demand continuous refinement, a task that FL can efficiently accomplish. Nonetheless, a critical challenge for these models revolves around the collection and preparation of training data.
This issue is particularly pronounced in vehicular networks, where each vehicle or node must gather images and prepare them for their respective local models.
However, a pivotal prerequisite is labeling these images before they can be utilized in training supervised models.
This thesis presents several methodologies for image labeling, offering an in-depth exploration of each approach, and showing their respective advantages and drawbacks (e.g., in the model performance, required computational power, and network load).
Furthermore, it conducts a comprehensive assessment of the performance and accuracy of these approaches, utilizing a variety of metrics for evaluation.


  • Explore federated learning applications, with a particular focus on their utilization within the domain of vehicular applications. 
  • Extend the implementation of the pre-existing framework for training federated learning-based object detection models. This extension should encompass the integration of diverse data labeling methodologies.
  • Conduct a thorough and exhaustive evaluation of the performance of these aforementioned approaches. This assessment should encompass the utilization of a diverse array of metrics for evaluation purposes, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of their respective strengths and weaknesses.
  • Report the findings


It is required to have:
•    Motivated and individual working style
•    Very good programming skills in Python.
•    Very good machine learning / Deep learning knowledge


I am looking for motivated students interested in working on cutting-edge technologies and vehicular applications area. If you are interested in writing a Bachelor's or Master's Thesis, please feel free to contact me at Ahmad Khalil (ahmad.khalil(at) You can email me the following information:
•    Your CV or small text about your courses and prior experiences in this area.

Supervisor: Pegah Golchin
KOM-ID: KOM-M-0773 Student: Kexin Wang
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Supervisor: Fridolin Siegmund
KOM-ID: KOM-M-0779 Student: Xiaonan Chen
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Das am Fachgebiet KOM entwickelte OpenSource Framework P4STA ( erlaubt hochgenaue Latenzmessungen mit Nanosekundengenauigkeit bei Bandbreiten von bis zu 100 Gbit/s. Um dies zu erreichen werden softwarebasierte Standardlastgeneratoren mit einem programmierbaren Netzwerkswitch kombiniert.

Nachteil hierbei ist, dass die Softwarelastgeneratoren zusätzliche Server benötigen und nur eingeschränkt flexibel sind. Spezielle Netzwerkprotokolle wie beispielsweise PPPoE oder GTP, was in 5G Netzwerken zum Einsatz kommt, können nur schwierig erzeugt werden.

Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, dass P4STA framework um integrierte Paketgenerierung innerhalb des programmierbaren P4-Switches zu erweitern.
Der Vorteil dieser hardwarebasierten Lastgenerierung liegt zum einen in den hohen Datenraten; pro Port können so bis zu 100 Gbit/s erzeugt werden.
Außerdem können beliebige Protokollstacks erzeugt werden.


- Gutes Verständnis von Netzwerken und Protokollen
- Vorlesung Software Defined Networking (oder vergleichbar)
- idealerweise Grundkenntnisse in der P4 oder FPGA Entwicklung
- Erfahrung in der Softwareentwicklung, idealerweise z.B. Python/Django/HTML/Javascript

Forschungsfragen, die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit beantwortet werden:

  • wie flexibel kann mit hardwarebasierten Lastgeneratoren Last erzeugt werden?
  • wird durch eine integrierte Lasterzeugung die Genauigkeit beeinflusst?
  • ... weitere Fragestellungen, die im Rahmen der Bearbeitung herausgearbeitet werden ...
Supervisor: Leonhard Balduf
KOM-ID: KOM-B-0718
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Problem Description

We maintain a crawler for libp2p-based Kademlia DHTs, which we use to crawl IPFS.
We are able to enumerate all DHT servers, i.e., all nodes participating as server nodes in the DHT.
We can then visualize data about these nodes, such as agent versions, churn, geolocation, etc.

The crawler, however, is generic over all DHTs implemented using go-libp2p-kad-dht.
There are many projects using this implementation, which we could potentially crawl.
They differ in a) their bootstrap nodes, and b) their protocol identifiers.

Main Objective

Working on well-connected Linux servers, set up multiple instances of the crawler, enumerating peers of as many networks as possible.
Set up automated data wrangling and visualization pipelines, displaying the results on a statically-generated website.

Optional Bonus Goals

  • Extend the visualization and data science scripts.
  • Realize the setup in a containerized environment, in a way that is easily extensible with new networks.
  • Save the results of the crawls into a PostgreSQL database for compact storage and easier queries.
  • ???


You must

  • Have intrinsic motivation to look at P2P networks.
  • Be able to fluently work on remote Linux machines via SSH.
  • Understand Go code.
  • Be able to admin Linux machines and document the setup.

It would probably be helpful if

  • You understood how DHT crawlers work in general.
  • You knew Chinese, since many of the projects have Chinese source code comments or documentation.
  • You knew R, since the evaluation scripts are in R.
  • You were well-versed in SQL and design of database schemas.


If you pursue this as a Bachelor's thesis, the minimum goal and any number of optional goals apply.

If you pursue this as a Master's thesis, you'll have to significantly extend the data processing and visualization frameworks to derive new interesting data from the datasets. Addiitonally, you'll of course have to implement the setup in a clean way, well-documented, with more of the optional goals realized. I'd also expect you to come up with your own optional goals.

Supervisor: Ahmad Khalil
KOM-ID: KOM-M-0671 Student: Ha Giang Hoang Tran
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Object detection is a crucial task in the field of autonomous vehicles. To train the object detection models, data such as RGB data is collected either offline or online during the operation of the cars, and this data is used to train the models. However, in supervised learning approaches, which have superior performance, the data needs to be annotated.

Active learning is an approach that aims to reduce the amount of annotated data required. It achieves this by selecting the most informative information from the unannotated data pool. Unfortunately, most active learning approaches for object detection assume that the data is already gathered and located in a central entity (offline). These approaches overlook the consumption of networking resources that occur when transmitting the data in the online data gethering.

In this thesis, the student will have the chance to enable online data collection in a multi-agent system (e.g., vehicular system), while considering the available network resources. The objective is to develop an active learning approach that optimizes the utilization of the network resources while maintaining high object detection performance. This would involve selecting the most informative data for annotation and training, taking into account the limitations of the available network resources.

The goal is to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of object detection in autonomous vehicles by developing an active learning approach that leverages the available network resources without compromising the performance of the models.


This thesis is open for master/bachelor students, and the main tasks are as follows:
•    Explore relevant existing related literature.
•    Formalizing the problem and modeling the solution and
•    Setting up a development environment.
•    Evaluation of the proposed solution in comparison to the existing state-of-the-art approaches.


It is required to have:
•    Motivated and individual working style
•    Very good programming skills in Python
•    Very good machine learning / Deep learning knowledge

Related Literature

[1] Yu, Weiping, et al. "Consistency-based active learning for object detection." Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2022.

[2] Choi, Jiwoong, et al. "Active learning for deep object detection via probabilistic modeling." Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision. 2021.

[3] Feng, Di, et al. "A review and comparative study on probabilistic object detection in autonomous driving." IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23.8 (2021): 9961-9980.

Supervisor: Ahmad Khalil
KOM-ID: KOM-M-0772 Student: Kristina Raysbikh
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Object detection holds paramount importance in vehicular applications, serving as a cornerstone for road safety, efficient traffic management, and the evolution of autonomous driving systems. However, while training the object detection models in vehicular applications, the intricacies of data privacy, constrained communication bandwidth, and computational limitations present significant challenges. This thesis aims to leverage the potential of adaptive model compression techniques to augment Federated Learning-based object detection model training in vehicular applications. The central premise is to develop compression strategies (such as pruning, and quantization) that dynamically respond to contextual information, such as weather conditions, traffic density, and time of day, to optimize model training efficiency and accuracy. This integration holds the potential to create more resource-efficient model training that can adapt to changing environments and perform optimally under varying conditions.


This thesis is open for master's students, and the main tasks are as follows:
•    Explore relevant existing related literature.
•    Formalizing the problem and modeling the solution and
•    Setting up a development environment and implementing the proof of concept or prototype.
•    Evaluation of the proposed solution in comparison to the existing state-of-the-art approaches.


It is required to have:
•    Motivated and individual working style
•    Very good programming skills in Python.
•    Very good machine learning / Deep learning knowledge


I am looking for motivated students interested in working on cutting-edge technologies and vehicular applications area. If you are interested in writing a Bachelor's or Master's Thesis, please feel free to contact me at Ahmad Khalil (ahmad.khalil(at) You can email me the following information:
•    Your CV or small text about your courses and prior experiences in this area.

Supervisor: Ahmad Khalil
KOM-ID: KOM-M-0767 Student: Tizian Dege
Link to Announcement


As the development of autonomous vehicles continues to progress, the need for improving detection models becomes increasingly important. However, sharing the data gathered from vehicles with a central server can raise privacy concerns and consume a significant amount of network capacity. Federated learning provides a solution to this challenge by allowing for the training of machine learning models on decentralized data, without the need to transfer raw data to a central server. However, federated learning inherits convergence issues, especially when the data is non-iid (non-independent and identically distributed). This makes studying how the data distribution influences the performance of perception models trained in a federated learning setup in the vehicular collective perception field crucial. By analyzing state-of-the-art approaches and developing novel methods that take into account the data heterogeneity, the student will help improving the accuracy and reliability of perception models. Moreover, training models locally in the vehicle poses significant challenges that require careful consideration, such as dealing with the labeling issue of data collected in real-time. The student will have the opportunity to address these challenges and contribute to the future of autonomous vehicles.


This thesis is open for master's students, and the main tasks are as follows:
•    Explore relevant existing related literature.
•    Formalizing the problem and modeling the solution and
•    Setting up a development environment and implementing the proof of concept or prototype.
•    Evaluation of the proposed solution in comparison to the existing state-of-the-art approaches.


It is required to have:
•    Motivated and individual working style
•    Very good programming skills in Python.
•    Very good machine learning / Deep learning knowledge


I am looking for motivated students interested in working on cutting-edge technologies and vehicular applications area. If you are interested in writing a Bachelor's or Master's Thesis or gaining experience in MAKI project as HiWi, please feel free to contact me at Ahmad Khalil (ahmad.khalil(at) You can email me the following information:
•    Your CV or small text about your courses and prior experiences in this area.