Onto.KOM Towards a Minimally Supervised Ontology Learning System based on Word Embeddings and Convolutional Neural Networks
Key: AA17-1
Author: Wael Alkhatib, Leon Alexander Herrmann, Christoph Rensing
Date: August 2017
Kind: In proceedings
Book title: Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management
Keywords: Ontology, Neural Language Model, Word Embeddings, Ontology Enrichment, Convolutional Neural Network, Deep Learning.
Abstract: This paper introduces Onto.KOM: a minimally supervised ontology learning system which minimizes the reliance on complicated feature engineering and supervised linguistic modules for constructing the different consecutive components of an ontology, potentially providing domain independent and fully automatic ontology learning system. The focus here is to fill in the gap between automatically identifying the different ontological categories reflecting the domain of interest and the extraction and classification of semantic relations between the concepts under the different categories. In Onto.KOM, we depart from traditional approaches with intensive linguistic analysis and manual feature engineering for relation classification by introducing a convolutional neural network (CNN) that automatically learns features from word-pair offset in the vector space. The experimental results show that our system outperforms the state-of-the-art systems for relation classification in terms of F1-measure.

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