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UrbanPulse: Adaptable Middleware to offer City and User Centric Smart City Solution | |
Key: | ALP19-1 |
Author: | Pratyush Agnihotri, Manisha Luthra, Sascha Peters |
Date: | December 2019 |
Kind: | In proceedings |
Publisher: | ACM |
Book title: | Proceedings of the 20th International Middleware Conference Demos and Posters |
Abstract: | The idea behind smart city solutions is to provide a foundation to build a sustainable environment for the citizens to improve the quality of life. One of the major challenges to achieve this goal is that cities and citizens have heterogeneous and dynamic requirements. However, current smart city solutions are unable to adapt these challenges, which results in lack of interest from city administration and citizens. In such case, it becomes necessary to design a generic smart city solution that can adapt to the heterogeneous demands and provide flexible solution which can work efficiently for both city administration and citizens. In this paper, we present UrbanPulse an adaptable and scalable data management middleware that can adapt to heterogeneous demands of cities. The solution put the needs of city administration and citizens in the center of attention. We show the capability of the solution with the help of our use cases which were built on top this middleware for the city of Bonn. This solution has been implemented for different cities in Germany and internationally. |
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