Demo: Facilitating Volunteer Computing Resources for In-Network Processing through Message Template
Key: AMN+17-2
Author: The An Binh Nguyen, Christian Meurisch, Stefan Niemczyk, Christian Klos, Doreen Böhnstedt, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: March 2017
Kind: In proceedings
Publisher: IEEE
Book title: International Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys)
Abstract: Crowd sensing is an emerging paradigm that utilizes the power of the smart devices within the crowd to collect information. In general, the collected information is aggregated in a cloud server for further analysis. Such centralized analysis model can be at disadvantage in several cases. For instance, in emergency response, where the communication infrastructure is unstable while the results of data analyses are critical for timely relief operations. To cope with this situation, the volunteered processing capabilities of the devices within the crowd can be exploited for data analysis directly in the network. However, exploiting volunteered mobile resources in a decentralized unstable network without coordinated entities is still challenging. For this purpose, we propose an encapsulated message template designed to support in-network data analysis for decentralized ad-hoc network. The demonstration shown in this work showcases the exploitation of volunteered crowd resources to carry out data analysis using our proposed message template.
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