The Macro Design as an Own Task in WBT Production: Ideas, Concepts and a Tool
Key: ARS07-2
Author: Abdelhak Aqqal, Christoph Rensing, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: September 2007
Kind: In proceedings
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Book title: Creating New Learning Experiences on a Global Scale, Second European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2007,
Keywords: E-learning, Production of Web Based Training, Taxonomies, Collaborative Authoring, Knowledge Modelling, Semantic Design, Instructional design support tool.
Abstract: The conception and production of Web Based Training (WBT) is still too difficult for instructors. Semantic and didactic features are diluted during WBT development by teachers, due to the technical focus of the production task and the corresponding tools. Therefore, we claim a collaborative production as way to meet instructors’ skills for an efficient WBT production. In addition to the content modeling and authoring, the proposed methodology points out so called “macro design” as an independent task to be supported. The macro design is innovative in two ways. First, it extends the existing way of content design by supporting instructors in expliciting their intentions and instructional design. Second, it demonstrates the possibility to use the Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST) as a communicative mechanism for the instructional design in order to give an explicit perception of the expected content.

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