Vertrauen ist gut - Internet-Kommunikation komplett verschlüsseln
Key: AT96-1
Author: Ralf Ackermann, Holger Trapp
Date: April 1996
Kind: @article
Abstract: Thanks to the world-wide accessibility of a computer and the number of potential attackers, the concerned Internet user is confronted with a whole range of safety risks. This fear is made worse by the speculative reports in the media. Tatu Yl&ouml;nen&#039;s Secure Shell (SHH) is a tool which effectively protects against many attacks. <BR> The use of networks continues to make more and more sense - whether it be work on a central host, on a local network, or to access a computer at university or work from home. In most cases the data transmitted isn&#039;t intended for a third person. At the beginning of the session security details are transmitted, for example a password. For access to a local computer this is a thoroughly acceptable precaution. However, in a heterogeneous network environment the distributed systems and transmission channels used vary. Even after a successful login - is what was expected actually happening with system with which data are being exchanged in complete trust? For potential attackers there are a number of freely available and powerful tools, which as well as the original and previously docile purpose, can be misused directly, or with easy modification, for attacks. The easy to use Secure Shell (SSH) enables current applications to be used more securely without any modifications.

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