AmbiTrack - Marker-free Indoor Localization and Tracking of Multiple Users in Smart Environments with a Camera-based Approach
Key: BD13-1
Author: Andreas Braun, Tim Dutz
Date: October 2013
Kind: In proceedings
Publisher: Springer
Book title: Evaluating AAL Systems Through Competitive Benchmarking
Abstract: Systems providing tracking and localization of persons in an indoor environment have been continuously proposed in recent years, particularly for Pervasive Computing applications. AmbiTrack is a system that provides marker-free localization and tracking, i.e., it does not require the users to carry any tag with them in order to perform localization. This allows easy application in circumstances where wearing a tag is not viable, e.g. in typical Ambient Assisted Living scenarios, where users may not be well-versed technologically. In this work, we present the AmbiTrack system and its adaptation for the EvAAL competition 2013. We present a marker-free, camera-based system for usage in indoor environments designed for cost-effectiveness and reliability. We adapt our previously presented system to make it more reliable in tracking multiple persons, using context information for improving recognition rate and simplifying the installation.

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