Motivotion60+: Entwicklung eines computeranimierten Systems zum Kraft- und Balancetraining für Senioren
Key: BHK+12-1
Author: Michael Brach, Klaus Hauer, Oliver Korn, Robert Konrad, Sven Unkauf, Sandro Hardy, Stefan Göbel
Date: January 2012
Kind: In proceedings
Book title: AAL-Kongress 2012, Tagungsband
Abstract: Ambient assisted living (AAL) is an umbrella term for products and services, which are designed to support daily activit¬ies by technological means. The present paper describes the development of a system for preventive physical exercise using sensors and computer games. It is developed using the AAL innovation framework of the German federal research ministry. Heterogeneous capabilities and interests on the demand side correspond to technological options and multiple actors on the supply side. In order to match both sides, an open system approach is used to construct the system. According to standards of the MRC (Medical Research Council, UK) a multi-step research program should help to further develop and evaluate the system. This paper is presented in order to foster feedback from the scientific community which can be also seen as a part of this research program. Using two prototypes, a first wave of feasibility and acceptance tests is being conducted with community-dwelling seniors and geriatric care residents.

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