The UbiDCC Data Set: Collecting Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Scans During a Large-scale Conference
Key: BKR+15-1
Author: Paul Baumann, Johannes Klaus, Björn Richerzhagen, Wilhelm Kleiminger, Silvia Santini
Date: November 2015
Kind: In proceedings
Publisher: ACM
Book title: Proc. of the International Workshop on Context Sensing and Activity Recognition (CSAR), co-located with the 13th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2015)
Abstract: In this paper, we report on a large-scale Data Collection Campaign (DCC). It took place during the UbiComp/ISWC 2013 conference. Over 700 attendees were registered for this 3-days event. We contribute the UbiDCC data set that is publicly available. It contains (1) mobility traces of nearly 1200 devices at the venue extracted by processing the collected raw data, (2) Bluetooth and Wi-Fi raw data of 37 active participants, and (3) their demographic data. We show how we increased the quality of the data set by deploying static encounters and passively tracking users’ devices. Finally, we describe and make publicly available the Android application that was used during the campaign and can be reused for further DCCs.

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