Kommunikationsnetze / Multimedia Kommunikation
RemoteHorizon.KOM: Dynamic Cloud-based eHorizon | |
Key: | BXB16-1 |
Author: | Daniel Burgstahler, Athiona Xhoga, Christoph Peusens, Martin Möbus, Doreen Böhnstedt and Ralf Steinmetz |
Date: | March 2016 |
Kind: | In proceedings |
Publisher: | VDE VERLAG GMBH |
Book title: | Proceedings of the AmE 2016 - Automotive meets Electronics |
Abstract: | Vehicular driver assistance systems are commonly based on local sensor information about the vehicle surroundings. For some time past, also digital map data is used as additional predictive sensor. Current development tries to extend this so called electronic horizon (eHorizon) by the use of cloud data or even to completely provide the eHorizon as cloud service. In such a system connected vehicles serve as information sources about their surroundings and enable a continuously update of the cloud based map data. Furthermore, it is possible to provide such an eHorizon also to vehicles without complex surroundings sensors. But a suitable solution has to deal with several challenges. The vehicle connectivity over mobile networks requires to deal with bandwidth variations, connectivity interruptions and losses, changing packet error rates, variable latency and possible declines in the channel capacity. We propose a solution that tries to overcome the unpredictability of available connectivity. The goal is the efficient use of the available bandwidth and ensuring a minimum amount of information within the vehicle. Basis is the location-based predictability of connectivity. The eHorizon is provided as a service on the server side. The transmission of the individual information segments is adapted to collaborative gathered connectivity parameters. Objective is the transmission of the eHorizon as a background service with the lowest possible bandwidth consumption. The available bandwidth for other applications and services should preferably not be noticeable affected. At the same time it also must be ensured to adapt the transmission accordingly and to preload more data before a vehicle enters road sections with insufficient connectivity. Within this paper we present a server-based eHorizon with adaptive transmission of the horizon information. |
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