Become a Scrum Master: Immersive Virtual Reality Training to Learn Scrum Framework | |
Key: | CG20 |
Author: | Polona Caserman, Stefan Göbel |
Date: | November 2020 |
Kind: | In proceedings |
Publisher: | Springer International Publishing |
Book title: | Joint International Conference on Serious Games |
Abstract: | Serious games are digital games that have an additional goal beyond entertainment, e.g., educational games can be a motivational tool for teaching or training players. Among other things, educational games can also be used in IT companies to convey approaches of agile software development. Such learning environments can improve the player's skills in software development processes to reduce risks of schedule delays or incurred cost overruns. In particular, educational games should provide an effective and motivating learning environment for the players and should include hands-on activities to reinforce learning. To this end, we have developed an immersive virtual reality educational game to teach the Scrum framework. This game aims to efficiently train complex processes and improve the player's skills in agile process management. In the virtual environment, players can go through a software development process to discover different activities, such as daily Scrum and sprint planning. The presented paper introduces a game design, results of initial user testings, and subsequent re-design of the early state educational game. The evaluation results of a user study show that the developed game can indeed teach the basics of the Scrum framework to players with little knowledge. However, the game scenario needs to be improved to make it more engaging and immersive for experienced players. |
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