Improving Inter-User Communication: A Technical Survey on Context-aware Communication
Key: DSS15-1
Author: Rahul Dwarakanath, Dominik Stingl, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: July 2015
Kind: @article
Keywords: Context-aware Systems, Distributed Systems, Privacy, Work-life Balance
Abstract: Inter-user communication has seen radical changes over the past two decades, owing to the precipitated progress in the field of information and communication technology. These revolutionary changes have brought about the decoupling of location from the actual situation of the users, leaving the users always online. Untimely inter-user communication, especially in the work domain, can have undesirable consequences, leading to stress, irritability, or even a complete burnout. Context-aware communication is a viable solution to solve these inherent problems by making inter-user communication aware of the situation of the users. In this paper, we deduce the key aspects of the context-aware communication paradigm by analyzing the related literature with respect to the main requirements for one such solution. In particular, we present a technical survey on the inter-device communication aspects governing the different components of the context-aware communication architecture.
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