Multimedia und Wissen: Unser Weg zu einem produktiven Umgang mit Wissensdurst
Key: FSH+00-1
Author: Andreas Faatz, Adulmotaleb El Saddik, Stefan Hoermann, Ivica Rimac, Cornelia Seeberg, Achim Steinacker, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: November 2000
Kind: @article
Publisher: Technische universität Darmstadt
Abstract: </P> <P>In the article we explain step-by-step , how we can structure multimedial information from the web (WWW) in such a fashion, that one person can use it in a reasonable way according the his or her needs- at the moment this kind of knowledge is still chaotic and wide-spread. We start describing ways of identifying the contents of media- videos, text documents, audio dates and pictures. We present the state-of- the-art of the approaches called Content Processing and Information Retrieval, but our goal actually is a description of data about data. This leads us to the definition and the concepts of metadata, which are able to unify the knowledge we have about our ressources from the Internet. We introduce the technical standards and show, how they can be used to match a user&#039;s profile, which mirrors his or her needs and abilities. We finish the article giving examples and an overview of our recent scientific work- multibook and medibook, learning environments, which are adaptive to the user. </P> <P>
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