The MILL - method for informal learning logistics
Key: Faa07-1
Author: Andreas Faatz, Manuel Görtz, Eicke Godehardt, Robert Lokaiczyk
Date: July 2007
Kind: In proceedings
Book title: Conceptual Structures: Knowledge Architectures for Smart Applications, 15th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2007, Sheffield, UK, July 22-27, 2007, Proceedings
Keywords: APOSDLE e-learning 2007 myOwn KPI lang:en SAP
Abstract: The paper presents the MILL – a system which supports planning of training measures. Its background technique, task-competency modeling, is based on formal concept analysis as an indirect and qualitative way of determining the abilities of learners. In that context, the fulfillment or failure of a work task is the indicator of a set of necessary competencies. The core of the presented approach is a matrix structure – a formal context – which has tasks as labels for its rows and competencies labeling its columns. This matrix is the basis for defining formal concepts which can be ordered in a lattice for navigation and systematic decision support on training measures in an organisation.

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