Development of a Wii Balance Board Array System for Exergames
Key: GBK+18-1
Author: Augusto Garcia-Agundez, Florian Baumgartl, Fritz Kendeffy, Robert Konrad, Hendrik Wunsch, Stefan Göbel
Date: November 2018
Kind: In proceedings
Publisher: Springer
Book title: Joint International Conference on Serious Games
Abstract: The goal of this work is to present and describe the development of a 6-Wii Balance Board array system for its use in exergaming scenarios. To avoid the main problem, which is connection stability and latency, we developed a board using a microcontroller from SILABS and a Bluetooth Stick was used to synchronize data acquisition and minimize data latency. Our data demonstrates that, under the described experimental conditions, the developed system is functional and is capable of delivering the data of 6 Wii Balance Boards in real time.
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