Interaktive Simulation eines Edutainment-Konzepts für Museen mittels aktueller 3D-Rendertechnik
Key: GC03-1
Author: Christian Goebel
Date: January 2003
Kind: @mastersthesis
Keywords: Virtual reality (VR), OpenSG, Rendering
Abstract: The dino-hunter concept developed by the Computer Graphics Center in Darmstadt in cooperation with ion2s offers an experience-oriented form of knowledge transfer in museums: with the help of a mobile end device (such as a PDA), visitors to the paleontology section can receive supplemental, target group-oriented information on the exhibits. While the visitor moves the PDA actively over a skeleton, 3D tracking is used to simulate the exact section being viewed on the screen, and the exhibit is expanded to include virtual elements such as internal organs, skin or feathers. In the context of the dissertation, an interactive simulation of such a museum visit was created. In this simulation, the new C for graphics (Cg) shader language was used for displaying downy-like structures, among other things. The graphics interface used was OpenGL. The developed methods and concepts were realized as a prototype using a 3D simulation based on the rooms in the Senckenberg Museum in Frankfurt.

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