CPSys: A System for Mobile Video Prefetching
Key: GHK+15-3
Author: Ali Gouta, David Hausheer, AM Kermarrec, Christian Koch, Yannick Lelouedec, Julius Rückert
Date: July 2015
Kind: In proceedings
Abstract: Online media services are reshaping the way video content is watched. People with similar interests tend to request same content. This provides enormous potential to predict which content users are interested in. Besides, mobile devices are commonly used to watch videos which popularity is largely driven by its social success. In this paper, we design CPSys a Central Predictor System to prefetch relevant videos for each user. To fine tune our prefetching system, we rely on a large dataset collected from a large mobile carrier in Europe. The rationale of our prefetching strategy is first to form a graph and build implicit or explicit ties between similar users. On top of this graph, we propose the Most Popular and Most Recent (MPMR) policy to predict relevant videos for each user. We show that CPSys can achieve high performance with respect to the correct prediction ratio and by significantly reducing the traffic overhead. We further show that CPSys outperforms other prefetching schemes that have been presented and studied in the state of the art. At the end, we provide a proof-of-concept implementation of our prefetching system.

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