Identifying Cybersickness through Heart Rate Variability Alterations
Key: GRC+19-1
Author: Augusto Garcia-Agundez, Christian Reuter, Polona Caserman, Robert Konrad, Stefan Göbel
Date: March 2019
Kind: @article
Abstract: Numerous users of Head Mounted Displays develop symptoms similar to motion sickness. This phenomenon is known as cybersickness. The current standard method to evaluate it is the Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ). Additionally, detection by methods such as biosignals is possible, but it requires sophisticated equipment and expertise. In order to detect early cybersickness symptoms, the availability of real-time detection by using simple equipment, such as a 2-lead ECG, would be highly useful. This contribution aims to analyze the feasibility of detecting cybersickness with a simple 2 lead ECG. A total of 13 participants played the VR game QuakeVR wearing an Oculus Rift DK2 for 15 minutes, during which a 2-lead ECG was recorded. Addiionally, pre-and post-SSQ questionnaires were given. Four of 13 participants had to end the experiment prematurely due to cybersickness. The difference in SSQ scores is statistically significant (p<. 01), as is the ECG (p=. 02), in these participants. This study shows the utility of a simple 2-lead ECG to detect cybersickness. These findings raise the possibility of real-time monitoring and prediction of cybersickness with simple devices and open the question of whether photoplethysmography could be used with the same purpose.
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