INSCAPE - Interactive Storytelling for Creative People
Key: GaF05-1
Author: Stefan Göbel and Felicitas Becker
Date: January 2005
Kind: @conference
Book title: EVA 2005 Berlin. Proceedings
Keywords: Interactive digital storytelling, Authoring, Edutainment applications
Abstract: In the first part of the paper, the global aims and objectives of the INSCAPE project are introduced. Then, first results of the research work at ZGDV Darmstadt in form of an analysis of story patterns and story models as underlying semantic structure of the INSCAPE application domains - ranging from game based approaches, life performances or entertainment to more serious applications such as training and simulation or communication and marketing - are presented. Hereby, the focus is set on "Education and Entertainment" which also represents the INSCAPE application sector addressed for the INSCAPE alpha version. Based on that analysis some examples for the usage of INSCAPE for museum applications are described. Finally, an outlook points out further steps and future prospects of the INSCAPE approach.

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