Virtual Human: Storytelling and Computer Graphics for a Virtual Human Platform
Key: Gaa+04-2
Author: Stefan Göbel et al.
Date: January 2004
Kind: @conference
Book title: Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment
Keywords: Digital storytelling, Virtual humans, Authoring, Edutainment
Abstract: This paper describes the usage of Computer Graphics and Interactive, Digital Storytelling Concepts within the Virtual Human project and its technical platform. Based on a brief overview of the Virtual Human approach, global aims and first R&D results, the Virtual Human platform is introduced. Hereby, methods and concepts for the authoring environment, the narration engine and the avalon player as rendering platform are provided as well as an overview of the Direction and Player Markup Language used for interfaces purposes between these components. Finally, our current Virtual Human demonstrator recently presented at CeBIT 2004 in Hannover using these methods and concepts is described and further R&D activities are pointed out within a brief summary and outlook.

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