U-CREATE: Authoring Tool for the Creation of Interactive Storytelling Based Edutainment Applications
Key: Gaa+07-2
Author: Stefan Göbel et al.
Date: January 2007
Kind: @conference
Keywords: Authoring, Edutainment, Interactive digital storytelling
Abstract: Content creation and authoring of edutainment applications is a long, difficult and cost-intensive process. Especially when it comes to interactive, non-linear scenarios with various story branches and interactive story units. Hence, methods, concepts and appropriate tools are necessary to reduce production costs and facilitate the authoring process, especially supporting people without programming skills usually necessary to create scripts and object behaviours. Within the U-CREATE project these concerns have been addressed and a comprehensive authoring tool for interactive Storytelling based edutainment applications has been established. This paper concentrates on the Story Editor of U-CREATE and its usage for mobile museum guides.

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