Effiziente Echtzeitkommunikationsdienste durch Einbeziehung von Kontexten
Key: Goe05-1
Author: Manuel Goertz
Date: August 2005
Kind: @phdthesis
Abstract: Communication is essential to humans ever since. Meanwhile people are able to communication in real-time at (nearly) every place in the world. However communication has become technically a very complex service. A trend towards technical-centric end-systems is to be observed the last years. This leads often to overloaded devices making communication complicated. A user-centric communication services approach is the basis for this thesis. In this thesis user-oriented communication services for seamless real-time communication is the guiding paradigm. It places the benefit and needs of the user at the center. The user's demand moves to the focus. The human communication was observed and analyzed in order to derive technical concepts. The utilization of context was identified as the key concept for efficient communication. Three principle methods have been developed which provide increasing user efficiency in handling communication. The provision of a easy to use methodology for creating und running communication services will lead to user-centric communication services. These context-aware communication services form an important building block towards the provision of seamless communication. An efficient design and implementation of an extended communication system and a context aggregation network are very challenging tasks. Therefore, software engineering concepts have been applied. Additionally, the real-time constraints have been obeyed in order to achieve a sustainable solution. An important feature of the software architecture is the separation of context acquisition and context usage. The developed methodologies and experiences for designed efficient real-time communication services provide reference models for realization of similar services. The possibility to create and deploy context-aware communication services together with the framework provides a unique solution for efficient user-centric services. The results of this thesis can be transferred in the domain of general context-aware services.
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