Video Protection by Partial Content Corruption
Key: Gri98-1
Author: Carsten Griwodz
Date: September 1998
Kind: In proceedings
Book title: Multimedia and Security Workshop, at ACM Multimedia 1998
Abstract: Many on-demand applications require that the same content is delivered to many different receivers in short sequence. In video on demand the goal of the content provider is the frequent sale of content in the most popular phase of their life cycle ([GrBW97]), which could be exploited by the introduction of caching and prefetching techniques ([TDVK98]). It is not commercially feasible to restrict content access to a small group of receivers. For such applications we want to provide a simple approach that is able to protect the content owner from data theft in the wide area network while protecting the infrastructure from an unnecessary number of transmissions. We want to provide a straightforward mechanism for these applications which can interoperate with caching systems as well as reasonably powerful servers. The mechanism should be computationally cheap, in order not to overload the server with the task of modifying the content (e.g. watermarking or encryption) for an arbitrary number of concurrent unicast transmissions. We believe that partial content corruption provides similar protection for video content as full content encryption but can still make efficient use of caching and pre-distribution for the bulk of the content, using protected unicast only for a minimal amount of data. We propose a novel scheme for inhibiting and investigating copyright violations.

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