WebVizard: Intelligent System for Geodata Visualization and CBT in WWW
Key: Göb98-1
Author: Stefan Göbel
Date: January 1998
Kind: @conference
Book title: Computer Graphics International '98. Proceedings
Keywords: Computer based training (CBT), Geodata visualization, Geographic information systems (GIS), Human-computer interaction (HCI), User support
Abstract: The aim of this paper is primarily to cover the possibilities and problems of GIS in the WWW. A second aim is to show trends in the areas of CBT and Teleteaching in general and one possible approach of using CBT in a GIS, namely WEB VIZARD. In the WWW there are many Geographic Information Systems (GIS) which use databases. But the possibilities of data access and data visualiyation are restricted because of the inflexibility of their default data queries and visualiyation techniques. WEBVIZARD is an itelligent and flexible client/server system providing access and visualization of geographic data in the World-Wide Web. It employs a knowledge-based system to create effective visualiyations that fit the data characteristics and user requirements. Furthermore WEBVIZARD takes into account peculiarities of the WWW, and special techniques llike metadata concepts or generalization algorithms are used for minimizing the data volume of communication between WWW-browser/client and WWW-server.

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