Framework for personalized and adaptive game-based training programs in health sport (in Print)
Key: HDW+14-1
Author: Sandro Hardy, Tim Dutz, Josef Wiemeyer, Stefan Göbel, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: May 2014
Kind: @article
Abstract: This paper describes an interdisciplinary approach towards a framework for personalized, game-based training programs for elderly and handicapped people. Adaptation and personalization are proposed as a way to increase the physiological training effects of game-based training programs (exergames). Hereby, the diversity of users and a broad range of physiological handicaps are considered. The framework is based on scientific training programs enhanced by technical methods and concepts for personalized exergames. This includes an authoring environment (StoryTec) which supports game designers and domain experts (sport scientists, medical doctors, therapists, etc.) in the development process and the (personalized) configuration of such exergames. Two prototypically implemented applications (ErgoActive and BalanceFit) demonstrate the usability and adaptation of the underlying training and game concepts for different user groups and provide indicators of the effectiveness and efficiency of the generic framework for particular user groups. For instance, ErgoActive is applicable for people of all ages and both trained and untrained users by being able to provide personalized training levels to improve endurance. Similarly, BalanceFit is useful both for wheelchair and walking frame users in order to maintain and possibly even increase their balance, strength and muscular coordination.
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