Designing Collaborative Group Experience for Museums with Telebuddy
Key: HaS03-1
Author: Anja Hoffmann and Stefan Göbel
Date: January 2003
Kind: @conference
Book title: Museums and the Web 2003: Online Proceedings
Keywords: User-centered design, Mixed realities, Telepresence, Physical avatars, Mobile webcams, Wearable computing
Abstract: In this paper we describe the Telebuddy project that aims to connect a live audience with an Internet community. Telebuddy is a physical avatar equipped with camera, microphone and speakers and connected to the Internet. Online users access the Telebuddy system via an Internet platform and communicate with people at remote places. With Telebuddy a novel user experience of feeling present at distant locations - feeling "tele-present" - can be achieved. Within a museum's environment several application scenarios are possible and will be discussed.

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