Combining VR and Digital Storytelling for Security-Related Training
Key: Haa+05-1
Author: Carsten Hellmich, Ulrike Lohde, Axel Feix and Stefan Göbel
Date: January 2005
Kind: @conference
Book title: TESI 2005 Conference Proceedings CD-ROM
Keywords: 3D Environments, Storytelling platforms, Training, Emergency management
Abstract: The paper introduces a technical and methodical framework to support scenario based training sessions in interactive VR environments. Hereby, the establishment of such a training environment includes different research areas such as modeling, visualization and simulation as well as Interactive Digital Storytelling, conversatianal management or learning/pedagogics. Based on a short motivation and an examplarily training scenario in the marine sector, the paper describes a application-driven framework for security and safety in general. Underlying technology such as VR, 3D models or story engines and Interactive Digital Storytelling concepts to support disaster and emergency related scenarios are explained in the second part of the paper.

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