Storytelling-Based Edutainment Applications
Key: Haa+05-3
Author: Anja Hoffmann, Stefan Göbel, Oliver Schneider and Ido Iurgel
Date: January 2005
Kind: @inbook
Publisher: Hershey
Keywords: Edutainment applications, Digital storytelling, Museum installations, E-Learning environments
Abstract: Within this chapter, the authors - all members of the Digital Storytelling group at ZGDV Darmstadt e.V.- provide an overview of the potential of storytelling-based edutainment applications and approaches for narrative learning applications. This covers not only online applications, but also off-line edutainment components, as well as hybrid scenarios combining both types. The chapter is structured into five parts. At the beginning, a global scenario of edutainment applications for museums is introduced and key issues concerning the establishment of edutainment applications and the level of interactivity for online applications are highlighted. These open and relevant issues are discussed within a technology-oriented, state-of-the art analysis concentrating on the authoring process, storytelling aspects, dramaturgy and learning issues.

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