Security Awareness in Service Discovery for Multimedia Collaboration
Key: Hol01-1
Author: Matthias Hollick
Date: October 2001
Kind: In proceedings
Publisher: Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. (ACM), New York, NY, USA
Book title: Proceedings of ACM Multimedia 2001 Workshops, Multimedia and Security: New Challenges
Abstract: Multimedia capable devices for professional and private use grow digital these days. With the advent of short-range wireless communication capabilities, these devices gain new potentials such as enabling seamless collaboration within groups of devices. As a side effect of these technologies, new problems emerge, especially in the area of security. This paper focuses on security issues when forming (peer)groups among these devices. Our primary goal is to establish security awareness via the service discovery process. We show that the combination of the pure Internet Protocol and today's state of the art service discovery protocols lacks the necessary features for solving the problem described. We introduce a novel design of a service discovery system as a solution for security aware ad-hoc usage.

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