Secure Service Centered Networking for Nomadic Usage
Key: Hol01-2
Author: Matthias Hollick
Date: May 2001
Kind: In proceedings
Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publishers
Book title: Proceedings of Communications and Multimedia Security Issues of the New Century, IFIP TC6 / TC11 Joint Working Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security (CMS'01), Darmstadt, Germany
Abstract: Visions and expected predictions of future networking paradigms often include heterogeneous networks build upon an IP-based core. Future services form a key component within these networks and are expected to include support for nomadic and ubiquitous usage. This paper comprises a discussion of nomadic usage scenarios within service centered networks. Thereafter secure service discovery under nomadic conditions is explained by means of a model introduced in this contribution. This model embraces the nature of nomadic computing as macro-nomadic vs. micro-nomadic depending on the use case. As a conclusion unresolved problems concerning service security within the given boundaries will be presented.

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